Advocating for Our Seniors

Our seniors have devoted their lives to our families and to bettering our neighborhoods for the next generation. It is our obligation to ensure that they continue to have a strong voice in the community.

Immediately following my appointment, I was the first representative in the State of Maryland to host a town hall meeting to discuss the Affordable Care Act. Since the town hall meeting, I have been proud to continue to advocate for various issues that affect our seniors.

In Prince George’s County, seniors, especially low-income seniors, are severely overburdened by our County’s high property taxes.  I believe that we must alleviate these taxes from seniors, many of who have been strong and active anchors in their communities for decades past.

In addition, I know that we must improve senior services in District 22. In particular, we need to ensure that senior citizens are provided with reliable forms of transportation and have access to various benefit programs.

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