“Color & Class”: The Conversation Continues

Watch Live: https://www.youtube.com/user/DelegateATW/live

Join me on Thursday, January 7th from 7:00pm-9:00pm at the Greenbelt Council Chambers for the second installment of my “Color & Class” series to continue our discussion of race and class in our own communities!

Earlier this year, we were joined by over 100 activists, organizations, elected officials, volunteers, and residents from around our State to discuss how we should confront the racial and economic barriers that separate our neighborhoods. I was proud of the honest and open dialogue we fostered as we listened to personal stories of encountering racism in our own backyards, debated how best to eliminate white privilege, and provided resources on how to better engage the different communities in our District.

As promised, I am hosting a second “Color & Class” discussion to build upon and expand on our conversation from this summer. While we focused our first discussion primarily on the aspects of race and racism, in our next discussion, we will turn our attention to the economic differences and divisions within our District. As these issues of race and class are inherently linked, it is essential that we examine the prejudices we have constructed around the issues of income, wealth, and welfare.

I hope we can have the similar level of participation as we did in the summer, but as the weather has turned much colder, I wanted to offer the opportunity to watch and participate in this conversation by broadcasting it live on YouTube. You may remember that last year, we hosted District 22’s first YouTube Town Hall. This year, we are hosting our first YouTube “Color & Class” Conversation. You will be able to watch and participate via email, text, or social media from the comfort of your own home!
